200 : request completed (OK)
201 : object created, reason = new URI
202 : async completion (TBS)
203 : partial completion
204 : no info to return
205 : request completed, but clear form
206 : partial GET furfilled
300 : server couldn't decide what to return
301 : object permanently moved
302 : object temporarily moved
303 : redirection w/ new access method
304 : if-modified-since was not modified
305 : redirection to proxy, location header specifies proxy to use
307 : HTTP/1.1: keep same verb
400 : invalid syntax
401 : access denied
402 : payment required
403 : request forbidden
404 : object not found
405 : method is not allowed
406 : no response acceptable to client found
407 : proxy authentication required
408 : server timed out waiting for request
409 : user should resubmit with more info
410 : the resource is no longer available
411 : the server refused to accept request w/o a length
412 : precondition given in request failed
413 : request entity was too large
414 : request URI too long
415 : unsupported media type
500 : internal server error
501 : required not supported
502 : error response received from gateway
503 : temporarily overloaded
504 : timed out waiting for gateway
505 : HTTP version not supported